Red Dragon Gerwyn Price - Originals - 24 gram Steel Tip Darts
So, in this review I’m going back to do the review on the original set that carried his name.
I know for many people, the name Gerwyn Price is synonymous with ‘The Iceman’ and his antics as a player and a larger than life character of the PDC.
Realistically, he was also a Professional Rugby Union Player and Rugby League player. He was also going to try his ‘hand’ (no pun intended) as a boxer but after numerous delays he finished by withdrawing from the proposed bout on ‘health’ grounds.
He is an immensely popular player in the PDC and has been seen as a polarising character in the sport.
His original darts are pencil shaped barrels, with an elliptical nose.
The barrels are 6.7mm in diameter and 50.8mm long, measured from the base of the point to the shaft end of the barrel.
The points used in the original version of the dart is a 32mm silver point with blue Trident protector rings installed. The Trident rings on the points pull together the coating used on the barrels.
The barrel are a standard design and its only the grip colour and layout that makes them unique.
The grip is described as being born of the Razors Edge range of darts, but in layman’s terms consists of 4 single ‘fin’ shark grip points, where the grip is level or just below the surface of the dart barrel.
On the rear third of the barrel is the stylised trade mark Gerwyn Price chevron, closely followed by another grip ring before the barrel tapers away ro meet the shaft for the last 6mm.
The rear portion is adorned with the Laser etched RD brand. Overall a set of shiny silver (natural 90% Tungsten darts with bright blue highlights. The darts are fitted with medium length Nitrotech Shafts, that are also blue, and a set of Red dragon hardcore extra thick flights that are basically white with blue highlights. The result is a great looking set of darts that is styled from tip to flight and just looks great.
At the oche straight out of the box they went OK, but, like most discerning players I picked out a few annoying out comes and tuned the darts to my throw. In this case the turning amounted to swapping out the medium shafts with a set of Short Nitrotechs and we were done. The only other change I made was to remove the standard points and add in a set of Silver Gripped Raptor GT points. The points are a personal thing, my grip involves the use of my ring finger to support and steady the point and the front of the dart.
A few people have mentioned that the original Price darts were notoriously difficult to throw. I played with these for a few hours without issue, for that matter they arrived in the mail a couple of hours before our social night and broke my own rule, I took them untested and played without a problem.
This is really a great set, well balanced easy in the hand, a simple proven grip and design. The grip is only a 2.0 out of 5 but as an overall value for money proposition a 4 – 4.25 out of 5 package.
Really enjoyed them !